The Department of Geography was established in the year 2000. Initially it offered General Course; since 2001, it has been offering Honours Course also. At present, courses offered by the Department include the Semester system based Honours Degree Course and General Degree Course.
Dedicated effort of the founding faculty members of the Department has led to the development of one of the best and well-equipped departments in the College. The Department aims at directing students to higher academics or professional courses. The curriculum involves writing papers, conducting fieldwork and practicals. Both theoretical knowledge and practical skills are imparted through use of modern ICT, supplemented by field excursions to geographically significant locations.
In the recent pandemic situation, classes are being held online through Google Meet as far as possible. Monthly or semster-wise e-learning report is submitted to the College as well as University regularly. Details of class record is available in the following link:
WhatsApp groups of each semester of each course have been created; students who have even one smartphone in their family or in the neighbourhood have been added to the WhatsApp groups so that they can get links for day-to-day classes.
Lecture notes, study materials and lecture videos are shared in the WhatsApp groups and/or sent through emails added in Google Groups as well as uploaded in the Study Material link of the College website so that they are available at a later date and also for students who are unable to attend online classes.
Internal assessment tests are conducted online as viva or through Google forms or as assignments that are later submitted by students to the Departmental mail id Viva is conducted over the telephone for students who do not have access to the internet.